Monday, July 16, 2012

Savannah at the Middle Fork of the Salmon River, Idaho

In early July 2012 I flew my Savannah VGW/XL from Denver to the Salmon River near Challis Idaho - about 650 miles.  I used the Sulphur Creek Ranch as my base camp and flew into several back country landing strips, accessible only by air or river raft.  Thomas Creek, Mahoney Creek, Upper loon Creek and Cabin creek.  Here's a link to a video if my landing at Upper Loon.
(click bottom right to get full screen)

Click on the pictures to make them bigger

                                  Approaching Sulphur Creek Landing strip

                                   The lodge at Sulphur Creek Ranch

                                      Approach end of land strip

                                  Buzz the strip and the Wrangler will herd the
                                  horses off the landing strip

                                 Several airplanes fly in for breakfast

                                 Great fly fishing.  I caught three 15-18"
                                 Cutthroat trout

                                   Trout pond at the ranch

                                   Sulphur Creek

                                 The Sulphur Creek Lodge

                                  The half breakfast

                                    My cabin

                                  No heat.  Nights dropped to mid 30's F
                                  Electric blanket made it hard to get out
                                  of bed.

                                  Ranch employees

                                  Intake for the hydro plant

                                  Manger's Son

                                  Upper Loon Creek airfield

                                  Departing Upper Loon

                                  Wrangler and great fly fisherman

                                              The pilot